  ANOTHER WRONG ASSUMPTION Somehow I make these assumptions that I don't even realize I have until I am faced with a situation. These preconceived notions of mine are sometimes on target. Just when I begin to pride myself on having discernment my vanity is realized with the real truth. This happened recently in regards to organization. I'm not an overly organized person. I mean I don't alphabetize the contents of my cupboards and I have stacks of paper around my house awaiting a final destination. When it comes to organizing events I take on a different persona. I expect planning, structure, and established activities. Once the correct initial planning is done I feel people can relax and enjoy the festivities knowing that everything is in its place and there are smooth transitions from one activity to the next. Without such the event seems tense and chaotic. I guess I assumed everyone felt this way and those who were not methodical just didn't know how to do it the "correct" way . . . until I was organizing an event with people who felt differently. It would seem that people with a different nature feel that structured activities are rigid, lack spontaneity, and stifle free flowing ideas. How does one have a large event and make the vision come to fruition without planning and structure? Is it possible to have an organized event while keeping the spirit of spontaneity alive? 
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I received a MA in a Sociological Discipline then married and worked 6 years as a Prevention Specialist. Now, I homeschool our two boys. I am renovating a 1925 home. If I ever finish it, I doubt I will do it again. During "my time" I oil paint and render pictures in colored pencils. Joining in my husband's interests in Old-Time Mountain Music I sing and bang on the guitar. No two friends of mine are alike. I surround myself with intellegent, eccentric, good hearted people. As a Protestant Christian I adhere to no one particular denomination. Spirtuality and growth are more important. Some have called me stubborn; I prefer strong willed. I strive for competency without the fear of change, and I enjoy sarcastic humor.Classic literature and classic movies can't be beat. You can never go wrong with chocolate. Shrimp and steak are my favorite dinners. I only consume vegetables on occasion for nutritional purposes. To find out more you'll just have to keep reading my blog entries. Be sure to leave a comment so I can get to know you too.


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